The Miracle of Nature: The History of Life on Earth

from 1. 8. 2015

The Miracle of Nature: The History of Life on Earth

The exposition is located on the 2nd floor.

The paleontological exposition entitled The Story of Life on Earth presents the development and diversity of extinct organism communities. The story of life begins with the appearance of the first living organisms during the Precambrian, 3.5 billion years ago, continues through the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic, the Tertiary and ends in the Quaternary with the arrival of contemporary forms of fauna and flora. This exposition shows the significant evolutionary transformations and features the main representatives of animals and plants in individual geological periods.

Information on the diversity of extinct worlds is presented in the form of texts, schemes, diagrams, pictures, maps as well as more than 700 animal and plant fossils starting with the smallest organisms almost invisible to the naked eye up to a two-meter tusk of a wooly mammoth.   Life in the geological past is also depicted by visual and 3-D reconstructions of the paleoenvironment (dioramas) and unique models of extinct organisms, such as the model of a dinosaur which left 200 million year old traces in rocks in the High Tatras, as well as the model of a one-meter-long water scorpion that lived approximately 425 million years ago. The exposition ends with the model of a wooly mammoth, the most famous animal of the most recent ice age. Information is complemented by interactive animated programs and documentary films.