Where am I actually and where are my dreams?

Where am I actually and where are my dreams?

The first part of the new memorial exhibition at the Madách family castle in Dolná Strehová presents life in the castle in the 19th century and the environment in which a work of worldwide literary significance was created. The second part of the permanent exhibition, The Tragedy of Man, highlights the most important ideas from all 15 scenes of Madách's work. A colorful strip on the floor marks the path of the tour and guides us through all the scenes of The Tragedy. During the Madáchian journey through time, we can traverse the world’s past, present, and future. Identifying with Adam, who embodies humanity, we can reflect on our own existence. The writer gives us the opportunity to understand our own existence as part of the universe. A voice guide (audioguide) in four languages—Slovak, Hungarian, German, and English—also assists us during the walk.

The museum's reconstruction was supported by the Hungary-Slovakia Cross-border Cooperation Program 2007-2013.