Exhibitions History and Future of the Porcelain Factory in Porsgrunn and Story of Modra Ceramics

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Exhibitions History and Future of the Porcelain Factory in Porsgrunn and  Story of Modra Ceramics

The Slovak National Museum – the Ľudovít Štúr Museum in Modra  presented the exhibition called History and Future of the Porcelain Factory in Porsgrunn available to the public from  17.6. to 10.9.2022 in SNM - the Ľudovít Štúr Museum – the Museum of Ceramic Sculpture in Modra.  The exhibition is an integral part of cooperation of the museum with the Telemark Museum and Modra city within the project "ClayDay – Magic of Clay", supported by grants from Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway and co-financed from the  financial resources of the national budget of Slovak Republic. 

The exhibition project of the Telemark Museum of Porcelaine in Porsgrunn called History and Future of the Porcelain Factory in Porsgrunn presented the beginnings and development of a factory for porcelain production in the city in southern Norway.

It was also focused on the presentation of the development of porcelain products design from the early days until now.  The exhibition in the premises of the Museum of Ceramic Sculpture in Modra was one of the main outcomes of project partners cooperation which was implemented in  form of exchange exhibitions in Modra and Porsgrunn. 

The mission of the Slovak National Museum- the Ľudovít Štúr Museum - the Museum of Ceramic Sculpture in Modra is to document and present ceramic tradition in the region. Two separate displays the Ignác Bizmayer Gallery and the Museum of the Slovak Ceramic Sculpture document the results of a survey.  At the moment, when the museum is the part of the international project Clay Day – Magic of Clay, the goal of which is cooperation,  support to the capacities of cultural players and works with museum public, the theme of ceramic tradition has developed not only through reciprocal exhibitions in both countries, but also through mutual meetings of the representatives of involved institutions  at professional and non-formal meetings. "The main theme is clay, from which Modra's pottery and Norwegian porcelain are made. With the aim to exchange experience while learning about each other's clay tradition and new approaches to museum presentation of the ceramic tradition, this project was of extreme benefit to us, museum workers" - said  Viera Jančovičová, Director of the Slovak National Museum – the Ľudovít Štúr Museum. 

The project of the Slovak National Museum – the Ľudovít Štúr Museum the story of Modra Ceramics, launched in Porsgrunn, Norway in May 2022,  preceded the Telemark Museum exhibition in Modra. The exhibition curated by Agata Šikulová Petrakovičová presented traditional Modra ceramics, manufactured by the Slovak National Museum – the Ľudovít Štúr Museum in cooperation with the  Slovak Folk Majolica and Modra city according to the historical models. 

“The Ľudovít Štúr Museum is one of the successful project promoters supported through the EEA Grants within SNM museums, where the result of mutual cooperation speaks for itself," added Branislav Panis, SNM General Director. 

To learn more about the programs and projects funded by EEA Grants in Slovakia visit www.eeagrants.sk 

Working together  for a green, competitive, and inclusive Europe. 

Author of the photographs: Martina Mlčúchová